We look forward to welcome you all at the conference „Focus on Open Science” organized by EIS Department, Central European University and Scientific Knowledge Services on the 22nd November, 2017.Scientific Knowledge
Services and its partners are introducing an exciting series of workshops in Central and Eastern Europe on the theme of Open Science. The purpose of the workshops is to introduce the concept and values of the Open Science agenda to communities in Central and Eastern Europe. The event in Budapest is organised by SKS, Central European University, and EIS National Programme.
We see the workshop as an introduction to the 'disruptive change' which Open Science brings. The presenters will offer a complete overview of Open Science's core elements, from the perspective of libraries. It will clearly show how Open Access, Research Data Management, E-Infrastructures and Citizen Science are connected and form a building block that represents a future role for libraries.
The language of the workshops will be English.
The sessions will be videoed and made available on the conference website after the event. They will also be live streamed during the workshops themselves.
We look forward to seeing you in November, in what promise to be a stimulating event.