UpToDate: The standard for evidence-based clinical decisions
02/08/2023 (Wednesday) 3:00-3:50 P.M.
02/09/2023 (Thursday) 11:00-11:50 A.M.
UpToDate: The standard for evidence-based clinical decisions
Az EISZ és az American Chemical Society szeretettel vár minden érdeklődőt a CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform online térningjére január 19-én.
Due to server upgrades, Compass and Compass+ are expected to be unavailable for a few hours on Friday, 7 October from 8 pm onwards.
Thank you for your understanding!
Honlapunkon már intézményi bontásban is elérhető a 2022. első félévi használati statisztika, valamint a 2020-2021-es teljes éves használati adatok.
The Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Scientific Knowledge Services are organising the Focus on Open Science conference for the fifth time on 8 November 2022, within the framework of the Hungarian Science Festival programme.