Electronic Information Service
National Programme




Focus on Open Science Conference - Open Science and the Management of a Cultural Change

15th November 2018, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

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Focus on Open Science Conference - Research Data, Citizen Science, Access to Knowledge … and Beyond

22nd November 2017, Budapest, CEU Library

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Focus on Open Science Conference - The Use And Generation Of Scientific Content – Roles For Libraries

12nd September 2016, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

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Orsolya Ujházi-Patrus, Event Coordinator

Phone: (06-1) 411-6100/583


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Katalin Ángyán, Regional Representative Hungary

Phone: +36-70-272-6200



Golden Sponsors

tandf wiley clinicalkey
De Gruyter Royal Society Akademiai Kiado



clarivate BMJ hindawi Emerald Digital Science 
cup  EBSCO  ProQuest  IOP LNlogo groot



Tiberius Ignat is the Director of Scientific Knowledge Services, a company which specialises in helping the European libraries to embrace new technologies and ways of working. He runs in partnership with UCL Press and LIBER Europe a successful series of workshops - Focus On Open Science, now in its fourth year. He is a long-time individual member of LIBER, member of European Citizen Science Association and Citizen Science Association (US) and a member of the Scientific Committee for OAI11, the CERN - UNIGE Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication. Tiberius Ignat has a personal interest in Open Science, particularly Citizen Science and the management of this cultural change. He has a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Bucharest.

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Citizen Science: Why should we bother?

There are two major concerns for scientists: the Nature and the Society. All involved make fundamental and applied efforts to discover knowledge and to build meaning on it. Scholars search for sustainable progress; beings are rubbing shoulders on planet Earth. We all need data and collective intelligence that is orders of magnitude larger than what scientists could do alone. The underuse of citizen science is a missed opportunity for science and society.
You are invited to take part in a cultural change and help both Science and Society to build a bridge that lasts, by developing research support services for citizen science.


Nicolo Pierini works with institutions and consortia across Europe for the development of Open Access publishing with Taylor & Francis. Passionate about Open Research and how to find ways to bring academic research to the public, his long-term goal is drawing a strategy with authors and librarians to identify the best practices on how to make results of academic research understandable to the public. Graduated in Law, his other great passions are Jazz and Blues music, which he tries to pursue by playing the piano in various venues around Europe.

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The bigger impact picture

What the impacts of scholarly research should be, and how they can be measured, are increasingly important questions for researchers, their institutions, and funders. In this session we'll be exploring the range of insights publishers can make available to help the community to answer these questions and to maximise research impact.


Dr Ayris is Pro-Vice-Provost (UCL Library Services). He joined UCL in 1997. Dr Ayris was the President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) 2010-14. He is Co-Chair of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) INFO Community. He chairs the OAI Organizing Committee for the Cern-Unige Workshops on Innovations in Scholarly Communication. He is also Chair of JISC Collections’ Content Strategy Group. On 1 August 2013, Dr Ayris became Chief Executive of UCL Press. He is a member of the Provost and President’s Senior Management Team in UCL. He has a Ph.D. in Ecclesiastical History and publishes on English Reformation Studies. In 2019, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

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Leading the change to Open Science in European Universities

This paper will take the LERU Roadmap for Open Science as a blueprint for introducing Open Science principles and practices into universities. UCL (University College London) is in the top 10 of global research-led universities. It is also the third oldest university in England. Using UCL as a case study, this paper will look at the 8 pillars of Open Science, as defined by the European Commission, and examine progress in introducing Open Science principles and practice at a university level. The paper will identify the benefits and challenges of the approach, and highlight what remains to be done.
The paper will end by examining the LERU statement on the Leadership needed for Open Science to succeed


Ximena Alvira is an enthusiastic and passionate medical doctor and doctor in neuroscience with broad experience in clinical practice. Originally trained in Colombia, Dr Ximena Alvira practiced emergency medicine at several places, such as the renowned Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, USA before moving to Madrid, Spain to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience. She trained in routine neuroanatomical techniques for light, fluorescent, and electron microscopy, and her work focused on the study of sleep-wake mechanisms. After obtaining her degree, she worked as post-doctoral research fellow in the Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, where she focused on the study of the neuroanatomical mechanisms underlying psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

Her passion for science communication and the dissemination of knowledge, kick-started her career as medical writer, which is still ongoing. To date she has edited and proofread numerous scientific articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals and delivered more than 30 publishing workshops around the world. 

Dr. Alvira joined Elsevier in 2012 as a Knowledge Representation Expert, where, together with the Spanish team launched ClinicalKey for the Spanish-speaking markets. Among other roles, she was responsible for the overall quality process of the Spanish edition.

In her current role as Clinical and Research Consultant for Elsevier Health Solutions, Ximena uses her expertise and insight to engage with customers, clients and providers worldwide to demonstrate the value of Elsevier’s solutions in helping them to achieve their goals and improve outcomes.

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Measles Outbreak: The Tip of the Iceberg of the Anti-Vaccination Movement -- How Evidence-Based Content Can Support to Contain This Crisis?

Vaccination instead ignorance is the only way to contain the anti-vaccine movement. Providing reliable, current, evidence-based information to deliver safer clinical practice to improve patient outcomes is a responsibility for content providers like Elsevier; It’s a means to helping contain this epidemic.


Dr. Martin Szomszor is Head of Research Analytics at the Institute for Scientific Information.
In his previous role as Chief Data Scientist at Digital Science, Martin applied his extensive knowledge of machine learning, data integration, and visualisation techniques to solving various research evaluation questions and supported the development of new metrics on interdisciplinarity and collaboration. He founded the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) and was named a 2015 top-50 UK Information Age data leader for his work in creating the REF2015 impact case studies database for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).
He was previously Deputy Head of Centre at the City eHealth Research Centre (2009-2011) where he led research on the use of social media for epidemic intelligence and was Chair of the 4th International Conference on Electronic Healthcare for the 21st Century. Martin was also a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton (2006-2009) where he worked on various Linked Data, Semantic Web, and Social Network analyses projects. Martin has a BSc and PhD in Computer Science.

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 The Future of Research Evaluation

The research evaluation agenda is evolving to include more than just academic impact. Stakeholders are shifting focus from research quality to research delivery, demanding more accountability and transparency on the research investment. The conceptualisation and tracking of the wider socio-economic impact of research is now firmly on the agenda and requires a broader range of data sources and more subtle interpretation of metrics and indicators. The ISI presentation will provide a historical perspective, giving details of how the current approaches have been developed and where they are heading.

Martin Martin

Alberto Martín-Martín is a lecturer in the department of Library and Information Science at the University of Granada. His research can be framed within the field of quantitative studies of science. In particular, together with a group of colleagues he has carried out a series of in-depth analyses on the characteristics of the academic search engine Google Scholar and its potential as a source of data for bibliometric analyses. This was the topic of his doctoral thesis, which he defended in June 2019.

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Google Scholar: Highly comprehensive coverage... inside a hermetic black box

Google Scholar (GS) is a freely-accessible and widely used academic search engine that indexes academic literature from a broad range of disciplines, document types, and languages. A considerable number of studies have tried to analyse the main characteristics of GS, despite its general lack of transparency (or perhaps because of it). This talk will provide an overview of GS's known strengths and weaknesses as a source bibliographic and citation data, including comparisons with other similar sources. In addition, several prototype web applications that utilize data from GS for bibliometric purposes (at the journal and author levels) will be presented. The talk will end with a discussion on whether GS data can be sustainably collected and reused for a variety of purposes.


Kathryn joined Wiley in 1999, initially working on Wiley’s Engineering book publishing programme before moving on to a number of different Editorial roles in Wiley’s journal publishing business. Kathryn is responsible for the development of Wiley’s Open Access journals in EMEA and APAC and leads a team focused on developing policies and models to support Open Access publishing.

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Progressing down the path to greater openness

What is the role of the publisher in an open science future and what progress are publishers making to support the open science environment? Kathryn’s presentation will highlight and examine some of the key steps that Wiley has made in support of the transition to open access (for example, via read and publish agreements), and will also look at a range of journal-based initiatives that help authors and editors to embrace an open science future.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Wyler is currently the Strategic Advisor to the President of the University of Zurich. Formerly, he was the vice President for Science and Medicine at the University of Zurich 2008 - 2015. He obtained a diploma in Physics in 1974 and his PhD in 1977. Prof. Wyler is well known for various research activities in theoretical particle physics and astroparticle physics.

Activities in citizen science and open science: Prof. Wyler has many years of involvement in citizen science. His main activities are related to formulating guidelines and principles for sustainable and high quality projects and the incorporation of citizen science at universities with an eye on the general setting of science in society and academia. He is the author and initiator of LERU paper on citizen science and universities (2016), initiator and organisation of a Citizen Science Center in Zurich (ETH and University of Zurich), author of a book chapter for ECSA (European Citizen Science Association) on citizen science at universities (2017).

Prof. Wyler published several articles and talks on citizen science at meetings, including the ECSA annual meeting in Barcelona (2015) and at a meeting of the advisory group SWAFS (2016).

He is also member of EUA expert group on open science, co-organizer of open science activities of Swiss Academy of Natural Science and member of Swiss working group on Open Access strategy

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Citizen Science: The necessary ingredients for a successful ensemble

Citizen Science, the active inclusion of citizens into research projects is expanding. On one hand, new (IT) technologies and novel research questions enable and often require lay people to contribute. On the other, politics, especially at the European level strongly encourage open science and in particular citizens participation. These developments may influence the role of science (and eventually education) in general and the perception of universities and their functioning in particular. In this presentation, I will trace these developments and necessary steps to channel them into a successful ensemble.


Emily Poznanski, Director Strategy at De Gruyter, has worked in open access publishing for over 8 years. De Gruyter is an international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin that has published first-class scholarship for more than 260 years, which excels in the humanities. From 2011 to 2016, she was Product Manager, Open Access Books at De Gruyter Open developing what is now the largest independent source of open access books worldwide and Assistant Product Manager at Versita working on the launch of numerous open access journals across STEM and HSS, as well as the transition of titles from subscription to OA. In her current role, Emily continues to design and develop a company-wide transition to open access that supports community appropriate solutions and the diversity of academic output.

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Transition to OA for HSS publishing

OA2020 and PlanS have brought together funders, institutions, publishers and researchers to discuss an accelerated transition to a subscription-free future on a global stage. The prevalent models in this arena focus on APC publishing for STM journals. This does not extend well to researchers in the humanities and their publishers. This talk aims to bring in the perspective of humanities publishing – analysing the impact of open access on various subject areas using the examples of OA HSS journals and new models to support a transition to OA for book publishing.

De Gruyter is an international publisher based in Berlin, Germany, that publishes research in 28 disciplines – across HSS and STM. As a publisher, they were an early adopter of open access – publishing their first OA book in 2005 and reaching over 1,500 open access monographs on their platform this year, making them the largest independent OA book publisher worldwide.


Andrew Dunn has worked in STEM scholarly publishing for most of the last 11 years, starting out with the life and biomedical science publisher Faculty of 1000, working for their literature evaluation service. For the last 4 years, Andrew has worked for the Royal Society Publishing, where he initially managed the hybrid journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A, before taking on his current role with Royal Society Open Science, which is the latest of the Royal Society’s journals. In this position, Andrew has managed the introduction of Replication studies as an article type, implemented mandatory publishing of peer review information, and introduced article processing charges on Royal Society Open Science to ensure the sustainability of the journal.

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Society Publishing: Open Science & Open Data

The world’s oldest national scientific academy and publisher of scientific journals, The Royal Society, has taken a leading role in fostering ‘open science’. From encouraging a move towards open access publishing to recent policy work on research culture and hosting a conference on the future of scholarly scientific communications. The Royal Society has taken concrete action to support our policy pronouncements. Most recently leading the way to open up peer review and to improve reproducibility in research through encouragement of study pre-registration and open data mandates.


Ádám Dér has been working for Electronic Information Service National Programme since September, 2015. As Head of Development, his main responsibilities are analytics, reporting, Open Access, collection- and infrastructure developments for the consortium. He also takes a part in the consortium-level negotiations and licencing administration. Ádám holds a Joint Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, the University of Parma, and Tallinn University.


Dr. Balázs Réffy is the CEO of Akadémiai Kiadó since 2014. He is a chemical engineer with a PhD. in Chemistry. After 13 years of research on structural chemistry in an institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science he joined Akadémiai Kiadó in 2006. In 2008 he got an MBA at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is the Vice-President of the American Chemical Society Hungarian Chapter since 2015.

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The Impact of EISZ Transformative Agreements

Electronic Information Service National Programme has been providing access for scientific content for Hungarian research institutions since 2001. The strategic direction of the consortium changed considerably in 2018, when we signed our first transformative agreement.

Since then, the consortium was actively pursuing the inclusion of OA publishing elements in national-level agreements. By September 2019, EISZ, together with its member institutions, implemented transformative agreements with a high number of publishers, becoming one of the pioneers of the global movement which aims to change scholarly communications by negotiating transformative agreements with subscription publishers.

The first part of the presentation will summarise the progress of the last 1,5 years from the consortium’s point of view, assessing the economic, organisational, scientific impact of EISZ transformative agreements, and laying out aims for future developments.

In the second part, the audience will hear more from the Hungarian publisher Akadémiai Kiadó on their perspective on transformative agreements, and the impact of these on their portfolio. Akadémiai Kiadó was founded in 1828 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is now majority owned by Wolters Kluwer. It is Hungary’s oldest continuously operating publishing house and one of the largest scientific publishers in Central and Eastern Europe. Its portfolio includes international peer-reviewed journals, conference series and online scientific content services.

Brigitte Kromp (Universität Wien)
Diane Geraci (Central European University Library)
Paul Ayris (University College London)
Martin Szomszor (Institute for Scientific Information)



08:30 - 09:00 Regisztráció/On-site Registration  




István Monok, General Director of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences





Tiberius Ignat, SKS
Citizen Science: Why should we Bother?





Nicolo Pierini, Taylor and Francis
The Bigger Impact Picture





Paul Ayris, UCL
Leading the Change to Open Science in European Universities





Ximena Alvira, Elsevier Clinical Solutions
Measles Outbreak: The Tip of the Iceberg of the Anti-Vaccination Movement --
How Evidence-Based Content Can Support to Contain This Crisis?





Kávészünet/Coffee break with snacks - Sponsored by EBSCO and Royal Society





Martin Szomszor, ISI
The Future of Research Evaluation





Alberto Martín Martín, University of Granada
Google Scholar: Highly Comprehensive Coverage... Inside a Hermetic Black Box





Kathryn Sharples, Wiley
Progressing Down the Path to Greater Openness





Daniel Wyler, University of Zurich
Citizen Science: the Necessary Ingredients for a Successful Ensemble





Emily Poznanski, De Gruyter
Transition to OA for HSS Publishing





Ebédszünet és a szponzor asztalok megtekintése/Lunch break and exhibition viewing - Sponsored by EBSCO





Andrew Dunn, Royal Society
Society Publishing: Open Science & Open Data





Ádám Dér, EISZ and Balázs Réffy, Akadémiai Kiadó
The Impact of EISZ Transformative Agreements





Panel discussion:
With participation of Brigitte Kromp (Universität Wien), Diane Geraci (Central European University Library),
Paul Ayris (University College London) and Martin Szomszor (Institute for Scientific Information)

16:20 - 16:30 Closing Notes  




Kávészünet és a szponzor asztalok megtekintése / Coffee break and exhibition viewing